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This page contains resources for candidates, new councillors and experienced councillors. The resources have been produced by the Improvement Service or by other organisations and will link to their website.

Preparing for Elected Office worksheet

Worksheet for people thinking about standing for election as a councillor. It encourages the candidate to think about their local area, the issues likely to arise there and how they would respond. It also encourages them to reflect on the commitments of being a councillor.

Inclusion Scotland Accessing Politics Guide

Inclusion Scotland has created this guidance for disabled people looking to get involved in politics, and all those who wish to make politics more accessible for disabled people.

Elected Member Guidance and Briefings

The Elected Members' Briefing Series has been developed by the IS to help elected members keep apace with key issues affecting local government. The briefings cover a wide range of subjects and include contributions from public bodies, commentators and observers of public services.

Elected Member Webinar Series

This webinar series has been developed by the IS to provide elected members with further development opportunities. Webinars cover a range of subjects including child poverty, public health, community wealth building, personal resilience and more.

Blog: Engender Supporting Political Parties to achieve Equal Representation in Politics

Engender’s Equal Representation Development Officer Jessie Duncan writes about representation in Scottish politics and how the Equal Representation in Politics Toolkit can support parties to be proactive within their own structures to increase diverse representation.

Equal Representation in Politics Toolkit

The Equal Representation in Politics Toolkit is a free, comprehensive and easy-to-use set of resources for members of political parties to assess and enhance their current practice around accessibility, diversity and inclusivity. The toolkit was created by the Equal Representation Coalition, which includes Engender, The Equality Network, CEMVO, Stonewall Scotland, Women 50:50, CRER, BEMIS, Inclusion Scotland, YWCA Scotland - The Young Women's Movement and ElectHer.

Why You? Campaign

COSLA’s Why You? campaign aims to encourage people to consider standing for office ahead of next year’s Local Government elections. It showcases the experiences of current Councillors to give potential candidates a better understanding of the role.

Access to Elected Office Fund

The Access to Elected Office Fund pays for practical support to allow disabled people to fully participate in the political process. This covers reasonable adjustments that level the playing field between disabled and non-disabled candidates, but not general campaign costs. Applicants do not need to have been selected yet nor do they need to be members of a party to apply for the Fund. The Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Inclusion Scotland.

Make a Difference: Stand for Election - A guide to standing

There are things that all prospective candidates should know before they embark on an election campaign. This guide will look at some of these issues and help you decide whether to take the plunge and stand for election to your local council. It also has some tips and advice on how to give yourself the best chance of being elected.